.. Documentation on translating WereSync .. include:: global.rst.inc ==================== Translating WereSync ==================== WereSync supports translation via Pythons `gettext `_ module. For end users, if your language is supported, it will simply change based on your system locale and requires no further configuration. More languages are always welcome. If know another language besides English your contribution would be most welcome. You can follow these steps in order to translate WereSync. 1. Clone WereSync to your computer:: $ git clone https://github.com/DonyorM/weresync.git 2. Enter the WereSync source directory:: $ cd weresync/src 3. Generate the `weresync.pot` file with the `pygettext` command from within the "src" directory:: $ pygettext -d weresync weresync/*.py weresync/plugins/*.py 4. Translate the file. I recommend using a tool, such as `poedit `_ to edit the translation. Be sure to choose the UTF-8 encoding. 5. Place your translation files in the proper folder. `gettext` expects specific path for language files:: $ mkdir -p resources/locale//LC_MESSAGES/weresync.po You can find your language code `here `_. 6. Add your language code to the `LANGUAGES` list of the `interface` module. 7. Stage and commit your new language folder and the `interface.py` file. Then create and submit a pull request.