Source code for weresync.plugins

# Copyright 2016 Daniel Manila
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,

# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This package contains code for bootloader plugins.

Bootloader plugin is any class extending
:py:class:`~weresync.plugins.IBootPlugin` inside a file name following the
regex pattern "^weresync_.*\.py$". These plugins can be installed to the
site-packages directory (for example, using pip) or to

For an example plugin see the `GrubPlugin <>`_.""" # noqa

from yapsy.PluginManager import PluginManager
from yapsy.PluginFileLocator import (PluginFileAnalyzerMathingRegex,
from yapsy.IPlugin import IPlugin
from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
import os
import os.path
import weresync.daemon.device as device
from weresync.exception import DeviceError
import sys
import logging

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def translate_uuid(copier, partition, path, target_mnt): """Translates all uuids of the files in the given partition at path. This will not affect files which are not UTF-8 or ASCII, and it will not affect files which are greater than 200 MB. :param copier: the object with the DeviceManager instances. :param partition: the partition number of the partition to translate. :param path: the path of the file to change relative to the mount of the partition. Should start with "/". :param target_mnt: the path to the folder where the partitions should be mounted.""" mounted_here = False try: mount_point = if mount_point is None:, target_mnt) mount_point = target_mnt mounted_here = True for dname, dirs, files in os.walk(mount_point + path): for fname in files: # This if block seeks to avoid opening huge files since # they are unlikely to be config files like we are looking # for. fpath = os.path.join(dname, fname) if (os.path.getsize(fpath)) / 1000000 > 200: continue try: with open(fpath) as file: text = except UnicodeDecodeError as ex: continue uuid_dict = copier.get_uuid_dict() text = device.multireplace(text, uuid_dict) with open(fpath, "w") as f: f.write(text) finally: if mounted_here:
[docs]def mount_partition(manager, lvm_manager, part, mount_point): """Mounts a partition and figures out whether or not the partition is in the LVM drive. It assumes a numerical partition is not a logical volume. :param manager: a :py:class:`~weresync.device.DeviceManager` object representing a possible mount. :param lvm_manager: a :py:class:`~weresync.device.LVMDeviceManager` object representing a possible host for the mount. :param part: the name or number of the partition to mount. :param mount_point: the location to mount the partition.""" try: part_num = int(part) manager.mount_partition(part_num, mount_point) return except ValueError: pass lvm_manager.mount_partition(part, mount_point)
[docs]def search_for_boot_part( target_mnt, target_manager, search_folder, exlcuded_partitions=[], ): """Finds the partition that is the boot partition, by searching for a specific folder name. The first partition that contains this name or /boot/<name> will be returned. :param target_mnt: the folder to mount partitions :param target_manager: The :py:class:`~weresync.device.DeviceManager` class representing the drive to search. :param search_folder: The name of the folder to search for :param excluded_partitions: A list containing a list of partitions which should not be searched.""" for i in target_manager.get_partitions(): if i in exlcuded_partitions: continue try: mounted_here = False mount_point = target_manager.mount_point(i) if mount_point is None: target_manager.mount_partition(i, target_mnt) mount_point = target_mnt mounted_here = True mount_point += "/" if not mount_point.endswith("/") else "" if (os.path.exists(mount_point + "boot/" + search_folder) or os.path.exists(mount_point + search_folder)): return i except DeviceError as ex: LOGGER.warning("Could not mount partition {0}. " "Assumed to not be the partition grub " "is on.".format(i)) LOGGER.debug("Error info:\n", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) finally: try: if mounted_here: target_manager.unmount_partition(i) except DeviceError as ex: LOGGER.warning("Error unmounting partition " + i) LOGGER.debug("Error info:\n", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) else: # No partition found return None
[docs]class IBootPlugin(IPlugin): """An interface class for bootloader plugins. Plugins implementing this class must implement the :py:func:`~.IBootPlugin.install_bootloader` method. The name of a plugin should simply be its filename, without the "weresync\_" prefix or a file extension. So ""'s name would be "grub2". :param prettyName: a human readable name for display. Can contain any character. :param name: A unique identifying name that should be easy to type on a terminal. Used by users to tell WereSync which plugin to use. See above for exact definition.""" def __init__(self, name, prettyName=None): = name if prettyName is None: self.prettyName = name else: self.prettyName = prettyName
[docs] def activate(self): """Called at plugin activation,right before bootloader is installed. This will be called before /etc/fstab has been updated.""" pass
[docs] def deactivate(self): """Called at plugin deactivation, after bootloader has been installed.""" pass
[docs] def install_bootloader(self, source_mnt, target_mnt, copier, excluded_partitions=[], boot_partition=None, root_partition=None, efi_partition=None): """Called to make the drive bootable. This will be called after /etc/fstab has been updated. :param source_mnt: a string representing the directory where partitions from the source drive may be mounted. :param target_mnt: a string representing the directory where partitions from the target drive may be mounted. :param copier: an instance of :py:class:`~weresync.device.DeviceCopier` which represents the source and target drives. :param excluded_partitions: these partitions should not be searched or included in the boot installation. :param boot_partition: this is the partition that should be mounted on /boot of the root_partition. :param root_partition: this is the root partition of the drive, where the bootloader should be installed. :param efi_partition: this is the partition of the Efi System Partition. Should be None if not a UEFI system. :raises DeviceError: if a bootloader installation command has an error. """ pass
[docs] def get_help(self): """Returns the help message for this plugin. It is optional to override this. :returns: a string representing the help message for this plugin.""" return "Installs the {0} bootloader.".format(self.prettyName)
dirs = [ "/usr/local/weresync/plugins", os.path.dirname(__file__), get_python_lib() ] regex_analyzer = PluginFileAnalyzerMathingRegex("regex", "^weresync_.*\.py$") locator = PluginFileLocator([regex_analyzer]) __manager = PluginManager( categories_filter={"bootloader": IBootPlugin}, directories_list=dirs, plugin_locator=locator)
[docs]def get_manager(): """Returns the PluginManager for this instance of WereSync""" return __manager