Source code for weresync.daemon.device

# Copyright 2016 Daniel Manila
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This module contains the classes used to modify block devices and copy

import shlex
import os
import subprocess
import weresync.exception
from weresync.exception import DeviceError, PluginNotFoundError
import math
import logging
import sys
import glob
import parse
import re
import tempfile

MOUNT_POINT = "/mnt"

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
for word in glob.glob("/*/mkfs.*"):
    val = word.split(".")

"""The names, as reported by `parted` of the partition table types supported
by this program."""
DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS = "-aAXxH --delete"
"""Default arguments passed to rsync. See rsync documentation for what they

[docs]def multireplace(string, replacements): """ Given a string and a replacement map, it returns the replaced string. `Credit goes to bgusach <>`_ :param str string: string to execute replacements on :param dict replacements: replacement dictionary {value to find: value to replace} :returns: a string with the replaced text.""" # Place longer ones first to keep shorter substrings from matching where # the longer ones should take place # For instance given the replacements {'ab': 'AB', 'abc': 'ABC'} against # the string 'hey abc', it should produce # 'hey ABC' and not 'hey ABc' substrs = sorted(replacements, key=len, reverse=True) # Create a big OR regex that matches any of the substrings to replace regexp = re.compile('|'.join(map(re.escape, substrs))) # For each match, look up the new string in the replacements return regexp.sub(lambda match: replacements[], string)
[docs]class DeviceManager: """A class that allows various operations on a device. Most methods in this class raise :py:class:`~weresync.exception.DeviceError` if the subprocess they initiate has an error. :param device: a string containing the device identifier (/dev/sda or the like) :param partition_mask: a string as the first parameter of a the expression: "partion_mask.format(device, partition)" resolving to a string. Defaults to "{0}{1}".""" def __init__(self, device, partition_mask="{0}{1}"): """Defines a device manager for the passed device. :param device: a string containing the device identifier (/dev/sda or the like) :param partition_mask: a string as the first parameter of a the expression: "partion_mask.format(device, partition)" resolving to a string. Defaults to "{0}{1}".""" self.device = device self.part_mask = partition_mask
[docs] def get_partitions(self): """Returns a list with all the partitions in the drive. The partitions will be listed in **the order they appear on the disk**. So if partition 4 has a start sector of 500, it will appear before partition 1 that has a start sectro of 2000 :returns: A list of integers representing the partition numbers""" partition_table_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["parted", "-s", self.device, "print"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = partition_table_proc.communicate() exit_code = partition_table_proc.returncode if exit_code != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(self.device, "Non-zero exit code", str(output, "utf-8")) partition_result = str(output, "utf-8").split("\n") partitions = [] for i in partition_result: line = i.strip().split() if len(line) == 0: continue # It was an empty line num = None try: num = int(line[0]) except ValueError: continue partitions.append(num) return partitions
[docs] def mount_point(self, partition_num): """Returnds an absolute path to the mountpoint of the specific partition. Returns None if no mountpoint found (probably because partion not mounted). The return will not have a trailing slash. :param partition_num: The partition of whose mount to find.""" findprocess = subprocess.Popen( [ "findmnt", "-o", "TARGET", self.part_mask.format(self.device, partition_num) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = findprocess.communicate() result = str(output, "utf-8").split("\n") exit_code = findprocess.returncode if exit_code != 0 and exit_code != 1: # if nothing is found, findmnt returns 1; this is valid code raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(self.device, "Non-zero exit code", str(output, "utf-8")) if len(result) >= 2: return result[1].strip().split()[0] else: return None
[docs] def mount_partition(self, partition_num, mount_loc): """Mounts the specified partition at the specified location. :param partition_num: the number of the partition to mount :param mount_loc: the location at which to mount the drive :raises: :py:class:`~weresync.exception.DeviceError` if there is an error mounting the device. """ mount_proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "mount", self.part_mask.format(self.device, partition_num), mount_loc ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = mount_proc.communicate() exit_code = mount_proc.returncode if exit_code != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Non-zero exit code. Partition Number: {0}".format( partition_num), str(output, "utf-8"))
# if no error, mount succeeded
[docs] def unmount_partition(self, partition_num): """Unmounts a device. :param partition_num: the number of the partition to unmount. :raises: :py:class:`~weresync.exception.DeviceError` if the partition is busy or the partition is not mounted. """ unmount_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["umount", self.part_mask.format(self.device, partition_num)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, err = unmount_proc.communicate() exit_code = unmount_proc.returncode if exit_code != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(self.device, str(output, "utf-8"))
# If there are no errors, nothing needs be returned def _get_blkid_info(self, partition_num, info_name): proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "blkid", self.part_mask.format(self.device, partition_num), "-o", "value", "-s", info_name ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise DeviceError(self.device, "Error getting information for partition " + str(partition_num), str(output, "utf-8")) return str(output, "utf-8").strip()
[docs] def get_partition_uuid(self, partition_num): """Gets the UUID for a given partition. This is *not* the filesystem UUID. :param partition_num: the number of the partition whose UUID to get. :returns: a string containing the partition's UUID""" return self._get_blkid_info(partition_num, "UUID")
[docs] def get_part_uuid(self, partition_num): """Gets the PARTUUID for a given partition, if it exists. This is *not* the filesystem UUID and is different from `py:func:~.DeviceManager.get_partition_uuid`. :param partition_num: the number of the partition whose PARTUUID to get. :returns: a string containing the partition's PARTUUID.""" return self._get_blkid_info(partition_num, "PARTUUID")
[docs] def get_partition_table_type(self): """Gets the type of partition table on the device. Usually "gpt" for GPT disks or "msdos" for MBR disks. :returns: A string containing the name of the partition table. :raises DeviceError: If the parted command has a non-zero return code. :raises UnsupportedDeviceError: If the device does not have a supported partition type.""" process = subprocess.Popen( ["partprobe", "-s", "-d", self.device], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = process.communicate() exit_code = process.returncode if exit_code != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(self.device, "Non-zero exit code", str(output, "utf-8")) result = str(output, "utf-8") for table_type in SUPPORTED_PARTITION_TABLE_TYPES: if table_type in result: return table_type else: raise weresync.exception.UnsupportedDeviceError( "Partition table " "type of {0} not supported by WereSync.".format(self.device))
[docs] def get_drive_size(self): """Returns the maximum size of the drive, in sectors.""" query_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["blockdev", "--getsz", self.device], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = query_proc.communicate() exit_code = query_proc.returncode if exit_code != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(self.device, "Non-zero exit code", str(output, "utf-8")) return int(output) # should always be valid
[docs] def get_drive_size_bytes(self): """Returns the maximum size of the drive, in bytes.""" query_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["blockdev", "--getsize64", self.device], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = query_proc.communicate() exit_code = query_proc.returncode if exit_code != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(self.device, "Non-zero exit code", str(output, "utf-8")) return int(output)
def _get_general_info(self, partition_num): """Gets general information for the passed partition number, to be investigated by other methods. It returns a list with the following information in order: Filesystem (/dev/sda or such), Size in 512B-blocks, Used, Available, Use%, and Mounted Location. Gleaned from Linux df command. :param partition_num: the partition for which to get the information""" mounted_here = False try: if self.mount_point(partition_num) is None: self.mount_partition(partition_num, MOUNT_POINT) mounted_here = True proc_formal = subprocess.Popen( ["df", "--block-size=512"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc = subprocess.Popen( ["grep", self.part_mask.format(self.device, partition_num)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=proc_formal.stdout) output, error = proc.communicate() exit_code = proc.returncode if exit_code >= 2: # grep returns 2 if an error occurs raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error running grep.", str(output, "utf-8") + str(exit_code)) elif exit_code == 1: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(self.device, "No grep line read", None) return [x for x in str(output, "utf-8").split() if x != ""] # Output has the following columns: # Filesystem, Total-size, Used, Available, Use%, Mount Point finally: if mounted_here: self.unmount_partition(partition_num)
[docs] def get_partition_used(self, partition_num): """Returns the space available in a drive in 512B blocks :param partition_num: the number of the partition to check""" return int(self._get_general_info(partition_num)[2])
[docs] def get_partition_size(self, partition_num): """Gets the size of a partition in 512B sectors. :param partition_num: An int representing the partition whose size to get. :returns: An int representing the number of 512B blocks in the partition :raises DeviceError: if the commands getting the size of the partition fail. :raises ValueError: if the drive has an unsupported partition table type.""" table_type = self.get_partition_table_type() if table_type == "gpt": proc = subprocess.Popen( ["sgdisk", self.device, "-p"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error getting device information", str(output, "utf-8")) for line in str(output, "utf-8").split("\n"): if line.strip().startswith(str(partition_num)): words = [x for x in line.split(" ") if x != ""] return int(words[2]) - int(words[1]) # start sector is the second element in this list, last sector # is third element elif table_type == "msdos": proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "sfdisk", "-s", self.part_mask.format(self.device, partition_num) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error getting partition size for partition {0}".format( partition_num), str(output, "utf-8")) return int(output) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported table type")
[docs] def get_partition_code(self, partition_num): """For GPT disks: gets the partition code (as defined by sgdisk) for the passed partition number. For MBR disks: gets the partition code (as defined by sfdisk) for the passed partition number. :param partition_num: the number of the partition whose code to find. :raises DeviceError: If the command returns a non-zero return code. :raises ValueError: If an invalid partition number (one that doesn't exist) is passed. :returns: a string containing the partition code for the appropriate disk type.""" table_type = self.get_partition_table_type() if table_type == "gpt": proc = subprocess.Popen( ["sgdisk", self.device, "-p"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error getting device information from sgdisk", str(output, "utf-8")) for line in str(output, "utf-8").split("\n"): if line.strip().startswith(str(partition_num)): words = line.strip().split() return words[ 5] # The code appears in the fifth column, but the # size takes up two columns (one for value and one for unit), # so the code appears in the sixth column. elif table_type == "msdos": proc = subprocess.Popen( ["fdisk", self.device, "-l"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error getting device partition information.", str(output, "utf-8")) lines = str(output, "utf-8").split("\n") result = list( filter(lambda x: x.strip().startswith("Device"), lines)) header_line = result[0].strip().split() for idx, val in enumerate(header_line): if val == "Id": code_index = idx break else: raise ValueError("Unsupported fdisk format.") part_name = self.part_mask.format(self.device, partition_num) for line in lines: if line.strip().startswith(part_name): words = line.strip().split() loc = code_index # the code is in the 5th column if "*" not in line: loc -= 1 # if the partition is not bootable the column for the # boot header is not seperated. return words[loc] # No partition found raise ValueError("Invalid partition number, no partition found.")
[docs] def get_partition_alignment(self): """Returns the number of sectors the drive must be aligned to. For GPT disk this is found using sgdisk's output. This function is only supported by GPT disks. :returns: An integer that represents the partition alignment of the device. :raises DeviceError: If the command returns a non-zero return code""" table_type = self.get_partition_table_type() if table_type == "gpt": process = subprocess.Popen( ["sgdisk", self.device, "-p"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error finding partition alignment.", str(output, "utf-8")) words = [x for x in str(output, "utf-8").split("\n") if x != ""] for word in words: if word.startswith("Partitions will be aligned on"): result = word.split("Partitions will be aligned on ") # the first value of result will be "", the second value # will be "{alignmentNum}-sector boundaries" value = result[1].split("-") return int(value[0]) raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "sgdisk returned abnormal output.") elif table_type == "msdos": process = subprocess.Popen( ["fdisk", self.device, "-l"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error getting partition alignment", str(output, "utf-8")) for line in str(output, "utf-8").split("\n"): if line.startswith("Sector size"): parts = line.split("Sector size (logical/physical): ")[ 1].split(" / ") # After the label there is minimum and optimal size # seperated by a slash. Optimal is second logical = int(parts[0].strip().split()[0]) physical = int(parts[1].strip().split()[0]) return int(physical / logical)
[docs] def get_empty_space(self): """Returns the amount of empty space *after* the last partition. This does not include space hidden between partitions. :returns: An integer representing the number of sectors free after the last partition. :raises DeviceError: If the command has a non-zero return code""" table_type = self.get_partition_table_type() if table_type == "gpt": proc = subprocess.Popen( ["sgdisk", self.device, "-p"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error getting device information.", str(output, "utf-8")) result = str(output, "utf-8").split("\n") total_sectors = 0 for line in result: if line.startswith("Disk " + self.device): words = line.split(" ") for word in words: try: total_sectors = int(word) break except ValueError: continue last_part_info = [ x for x in result[-2].split(" ") if x != "" ] # the information for the last partition is always the last # line in the output. The very last line, however is empty. The # last real line is 2 back last_sector = int(last_part_info[ 2]) # the third column is the "end" sector column return total_sectors - last_sector elif table_type == "msdos": # other possible table types with throw an UnsupportedDeviceError # in the get_partition_table_type() method proc = subprocess.Popen( ["fdisk", self.device, "-l"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) output, error = proc.communicate() lines = str(output, "utf-8").split("\n") for line in lines: if "sectors" in line: words = line.split() for word in reversed(words): try: total_sectors = int(word) break except ValueError: continue break last_sector = 0 for val in reversed(lines): if val.strip() == "": continue vals = val.split() loc = 2 if "*" in val: loc += 1 try: value = int(vals[loc]) except ValueError: break # When this trips, we should be past all the # partition descriptions if value >= last_sector: last_sector = value return total_sectors - value
[docs] def get_partition_file_system(self, part_num): """Returns the file system (ext4, ntfs, etc.) of the partition. If a partition system that can't be created by this system is found, None is return. :param part_num: the partition number whose filesystem to get. :returns: A string containing the file system type if a type found, otherwise None. If this is a swap partition this returns 'swap'""" proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "blkid", "-o", "value", "-s", "TYPE", self.part_mask.format(self.device, part_num) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0 and proc.returncode != 2: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.part_mask.format(self.device, part_num), "Error getting partition file system type.", output) result = str(output, "utf-8").strip() return result if result in SUPPORTED_FILESYSTEM_TYPES else None
[docs] def set_partition_file_system(self, part_num, system_type): """Creates a new file system on the passed partition number. This is essentially the same as formatting the partition. If the passed partition is currently mounted, this will unmount the system, and remount it when finished. :param part_num: the partition number to format :param system_type: a file system (ex. ntfs) supported by mkfs on the current system.""" mnt_point = self.mount_point(part_num) try: if mnt_point is not None: self.unmount_partition(part_num) if system_type == "swap": proc = subprocess.Popen( ["mkswap", self.part_mask.format(self.device, part_num)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) else: proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "mkfs", "-t", system_type, self.part_mask.format(self.device, part_num) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.part_mask.format(self.device, part_num), "Error creating new file system on partition.", str(output, "utf-8")) finally: if mnt_point is not None: self.mount_partition(part_num, mnt_point)
[docs]class LVMDeviceManager(DeviceManager): """This is an extension of the DeviceManager class which handles Logical Volume groups. All method names referring to \"partition\" in fact refer to logical volumes, but the names remain the same for compatibility reasons. :param source: The name of the logical volume group.""" def __init__(self, device, partition_mask="{0}/{1}"): = device.split("/")[-1] self.device = device if not device.endswith("/") else device[0:-1] self.device = self.device if self.device.startswith( "/dev") else "/dev/" + self.device self.part_mask = partition_mask
[docs] def get_partitions(self): """Returns the names of the logical volumes in the group, as a list of strings.""" proc = subprocess.Popen( ["lvs", "--separator", ":"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error finding logical volumes.", str(output, "utf-8")) lines = [ x.strip().split(":") for x in str(output, "utf-8").split("\n") if x.strip() != "" ] return [x[0] for x in lines[1:] if x[1] ==]
[docs] def get_partition_table_type(self): return "lvm"
def _get_drive_size_generic(self, units): """Gets the size of a logical volume group in generic units. :param units: An indicator for units as defined by the *vgs* command. Generally "b" or "s".""" proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "vgs", "--units", units, "-o", "size", "--noheadings", self.device ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error finding logical volume size.", str(output, "utf-8")) return int( str(output, "utf-8").strip()[0:-1] ) # The last character of the output is a "B" or an "S" and should be # removed
[docs] def get_drive_size_bytes(self): """Returns the of a logical volume group in bytes.""" return self._get_drive_size_generic("b")
[docs] def get_drive_size(self): """Normally this function returns the drive size in sectors. :returns: an integer representing the size of the drive in sectors :raises DeviceError: if the command returns a non-zero return code""" return self._get_drive_size_generic("s")
[docs] def get_partition_size(self, partition_name): """Gets the size, in sectors, of a logical volume. :param partition_name: the name of the logical volume whose size to get. :returns: an int representing the number of bytes on the logical volume. :raise DeviceError: if the commands for getting the size of the partition fail to return a 0 return code.""" proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "lvdisplay", "-c", self.part_mask.format(self.device, partition_name) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error getting logical volume size.", str(output, "utf-8")) return int(str(output, "utf-8").split(":")[6])
[docs] def get_partition_code(self, partition_num): """Not valid for LVM drives. :raises UnsupportedDeviceError:""" raise weresync.exception.UnsupportedDeviceError( "Partition codes not applicable to lvm drives.")
def _get_general_info(self, partition_num): """Same method as the _get_general_info method for the main DeviceManager class.""" # This switching masks around is necessary because df sees block # devices in mapper (ex. /dev/mapper/example--vg) rather than normal # (ex. /dev/example-vg), old_name = self.device self.device = self.device[self.device.rindex("/") + 1:len(self.device)] self.device = self.device.replace("-", "--") old_mask = self.part_mask self.part_mask = "/dev/mapper/{0}-{1}" try: result = super()._get_general_info(partition_num) finally: self.device = old_name self.part_mask = old_mask return result # TODO make this work if needed with LVM drives
[docs] def get_partition_alignment(self): """Not valid for LVM drives. :raises UnsupportedDeviceError:""" raise weresync.exception.UnsupportedDeviceError( "Partition codes not applicable to lvm drives.")
[docs] def get_empty_space(self): """Gets the amount of empty space left in the logical volume group. Due to a lack of strict ordering in lvm, this is considered to be the total space, not simply the space after the last partition. :returns: An integer representing the number of sectors free in the volume group. :raises DeviceError: If the command has a non-zero return value.""" proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "vgs", "--units", "s", "-o", "free", "--noheadings", self.device ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.device, "Error reading free space in volume group.", str(output, "utf-8")) result = str(output, "utf-8").strip()[0:-1] # The final character in the results is a unit, in this case "S" return int(result)
[docs]class DeviceCopier: """DeviceCopiers transfer data from a source drive to a target drive. :param source: the drive identifier (/dev/sda or such) of the source drive. :param target: the drive identifier (/dev/sdb or such) of the target drive. :param lvm_source: the name or :py:class:`~.LVMDeviceManager` object representing the source LVM. If None no LVM is copied. :param lvm_target: the name or :py:class:`~.LVMDeviceManager` object representing the target LVM. If None no LVM is copied. """ def __init__(self, source, target, lvm_source=None, lvm_target=None): self.source = source if isinstance( source, DeviceManager) else DeviceManager(source) = target if isinstance( target, DeviceManager) else DeviceManager(target) if lvm_source is not None and lvm_target is not None: self.lvm_source = lvm_source if isinstance( lvm_source, LVMDeviceManager) else LVMDeviceManager(lvm_source) self.lvm_target = lvm_target if isinstance( lvm_target, LVMDeviceManager) else LVMDeviceManager(lvm_target) else: self.lvm_source = None self.lvm_target = None self.uuid_dict = None
[docs] def get_uuid_dict(self): """Generates a dictionary that relates the partitions of the source drive to the partitions of the target drive. This function requires that both drives have the same number of partitions with the same numbers. This function caches its result in self.uuid_dict. After changing drive uuids, self.uuid_dict should be set to None. :returns: A dictionary where the keys are the source drive partition UUIDs, and the values are the corresponding target drive UUIDs.""" if self.uuid_dict is None: uuids = {} for i in self.source.get_partitions(): try: source_uuid = self.source.get_partition_uuid(i) except DeviceError as ex: if ex.errors == "": # blkid returns an empty string if no # UUID found # This can occur for some partition types, like a # microsoft reserved partition continue else: raise ex if source_uuid.strip() == "": # If the uuid is empty/nothing, we don't want it continue uuids[source_uuid] = # This next segment gets the PARTUUID values try: source_part_uuid = self.source.get_part_uuid(i) except DeviceError as ex: if ex.errors == "": continue if source_part_uuid == "": continue uuids[source_part_uuid] = if self.lvm_source is not None: print("LVM Source is: " + self.lvm_source.device) print("meaningless space") source_vg = parse.parse("/dev/{0}", self.lvm_source.device)[0] target_vg = parse.parse("/dev/{0}", self.lvm_target.device)[0] source_name = source_vg.replace("-", "--") target_name = target_vg.replace("-", "--") lvm_mask = "{0}-{1}" for i in self.lvm_source.get_partitions(): uuids[lvm_mask.format(source_name, i)] = lvm_mask.format( target_name, i) self.uuid_dict = uuids LOGGER.debug("UUID Dict: " + str(uuids)) return uuids else: return self.uuid_dict
def _transfer_gpt(self, difference): """Transfers the gpt partition table from the larger source drive to the smaller target drive. This method is not intended to be called from any method but the transfer partition table method below. :param difference: the difference between the sizes of the two drives :param margin: the amount of margin to give shrunk partitions.""" partitions = self.source.get_partitions() part_alignment = add_args = [] type_args = [] difference -= ( self.source.get_empty_space() - 34 ) # the empty space in the source does not count against the # difference, but we leave the margin just in case # It also seems that gpt disks at least have 34 unusable sectors at # the end of the empty space, so we remove those from the count for i in reversed(partitions): drive_size = self.source.get_partition_size(i) try: part_used = self.source.get_partition_used(i) except weresync.exception.DeviceError: part_used = drive_size space = int(part_alignment * math.floor( (drive_size - part_used) / part_alignment)) part_size = None if space > 0 and difference > 0: # if the amount of space on the drive is bigger than the # difference between the drives if space > difference: part_size = int(part_alignment * math.ceil( (drive_size - difference) / part_alignment)) difference = 0 else: part_size = int(part_alignment * math.ceil(part_used / part_alignment)) difference -= space else: part_size = int(part_alignment * math.ceil(drive_size / part_alignment)) difference += part_size - drive_size # this adds or subtracts # to the difference based on whether or the aligning changed # the size of the partition if (i != partitions[-1]): # delete_args += ["-d", str(i)] add_args = [ "-n", "{0}:0:+{1}".format(i, part_size) ] + add_args # part_size is in 512 byte chunks, but gdisk # expects a 1 kB based unit if should_break: break # this also rounds down, in order to leave more space rather # than less else: # if this is the last partition to be looped, let it occupy # maximum space. add_args = ["-n", "{0}:0:0".format(i)] + add_args type_args += [ "-t", "{0}:{1}".format(i, self.source.get_partition_code(i)) ] LOGGER.debug(["sgdisk",, "-o"] + add_args + type_args) clear_process = subprocess.Popen( ["sgdisk",, "-Z"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) clear_output, _ = clear_process.communicate() if clear_process.returncode != 0: LOGGER.debug("Clear Process error code: {0}".format( clear_process.returncode)) raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(, "Error clearing target drive.", str(clear_output, "utf-8")) copy_process = subprocess.Popen( ["sgdisk",, "-o"] + add_args + type_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) copy_out, copy_err = copy_process.communicate() if copy_process.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(, "Error copying partition table to target.", str(copy_err, "utf-8")) final_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["sgdisk",, "-G"], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) final_out, final_err = final_proc.communicate() if final_proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(, "Error randomizing GUIDs on target device", str(final_out, "utf-8")) def _transfer_msdos(self, difference, margin=5): """Copies the partition table from a msdos source drive to a target drive. :param margin: The percent of original size to leave as a margin in the size of each partition. Is ignored if partition size is 0.""" for i in if is not None: current_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["sfdisk", "-d", self.source.device], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) partition_table, current_proc_error = current_proc.communicate() if current_proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.source.device, "Error getting partition table backup.", str(partition_table, "utf-8")) partition_table = str(partition_table, "utf-8") partition_listings = [ x.replace(" ", "") for x in partition_table.split("\n") if x.startswith( self.source.part_mask.format(self.source.device, "")) ] for idx, val in enumerate(partition_listings): # Standard line of sfdisk -d output: # mbr.img1:start=2050,size=1893,Id=83, bootable # a new version would have "type" instead of "Id" listing = val.split(":") pairs = { "part": int( parse.parse( self.source.part_mask.format(self.source.device, "{0}"), listing[0])[0]) } for i in listing[1].split(","): pair = i.split("=") if len(pair) != 2: pairs["bootable"] = True else: pairs["bootable"] = False if (pair[0] == "Id" or pair[0] == "type"): # Newer versions of sfdisk use type instead of Id # This test allows both versions to be supported pairs["type"] = pair[1] id_key = pair[0] # needed to create the right lines in the # final product else: pairs[pair[0]] = int(pair[1]) partition_listings[idx] = pairs partition_listings.sort(key=lambda x: x["start"]) move_start_back_by = 0 final_str = "unit: sectors\n\n" current_extended_partition = None for i in partition_listings: i["start"] -= move_start_back_by if current_extended_partition is not None and i[ "part"] <= 4: # Not a logical partition current_extended_partition = None if i["type"] == "5": # The partition is an extended partition current_extended_partition = i continue shrink = 0 try: part_num = i["part"] drive_used = self.source.get_partition_used(part_num) space = math.floor( (i["size"] - drive_used) * (1 - margin / 100)) if space > 0 and difference > 0: if space >= difference: shrink = difference else: shrink = space difference -= shrink move_start_back_by += shrink i["size"] -= shrink except weresync.exception.DeviceError as ex: LOGGER.warning("Error reading device.") LOGGER.debug("Execption info:", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) if current_extended_partition is not None: current_extended_partition["size"] -= shrink partition_listings.sort(key=lambda x: x["part"]) # We don't know what the name of the id key is, so we have to # concaterate it in. final_str = "unit: sectors\n\n" + "".join([ "{val} : start= {start}, size= {size}, {type_key}= {type}{boot}\n". format(, part_line["part"]), boot=", bootable" if part_line["bootable"] else "", type_key=id_key, **part_line) for part_line in partition_listings ]) LOGGER.debug("Proposed partition table:\n" + final_str) table_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["fdisk",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output, error = table_proc.communicate(input="o\nw\nq") if table_proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.CopyError( "Could not create new partition table on target device", output) transfer_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["sfdisk", "--force",], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output, error = transfer_proc.communicate(input=final_str) if transfer_proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.CopyError( "Could not copy partition table to target device.", output) def _transfer_lvm(self, difference): # In general, partitions and logical volumes (lvs) are synonymous in # this method for j in self.lvm_target.get_partitions(): if self.lvm_target.mount_point(j) is not None: self.lvm_target.unmount(j) LOGGER.debug("Deleting " + j) remove_proc = subprocess.Popen( ["lvremove", "-f", self.lvm_target.device + "/" + j], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = remove_proc.communicate() if remove_proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.lvm_target.device, "Error removing logical volume from target.", str(output, "utf-8")) lvs = self.lvm_source.get_partitions() difference -= self.lvm_source.get_empty_space() for i in lvs: drive_size = self.lvm_source.get_partition_size(i) try: part_used = self.lvm_source.get_partition_used(i) except weresync.exception.DeviceError: part_used = drive_size space = drive_size - part_used if space > 0 and difference > 0: part_size = None if space > difference: part_size = drive_size - difference else: part_size = part_used difference -= space else: part_size = drive_size command = [ "lvcreate", "--size", str(part_size) + "S", "-n", i, self.lvm_target.device ] LOGGER.debug("lvcreate command: " + str(command)) with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as tmp: copy_proc = subprocess.Popen( command, stdout=tmp, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) proc_output, error = copy_proc.communicate() output = LOGGER.debug("Output for " + i + ": " + str(output, "utf-8")) if copy_proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.lvm_target.device, "Error creating new logical volume.", str(output, "utf-8"))
[docs] def format_partitions(self, ignore_errors=True, callback=None, lvm=False): """Goes through each partition in the source drive and formats the corresponding partition in the target drive to the same thing. :param ignore_errrors: whether or not errors (such as a file-system not recongized by mkfs) should be ignored. If True such errors will be logged. If false the exceptions will be propogated. Defaults to True. :param callback: If not None, this function should be a function that accepts a float between 0 and 1 to update the progress. :param lvm: Whether or not to use the lvm managers.""" if lvm: source_manager = self.lvm_source target_manager = self.lvm_target else: source_manager = self.source target_manager = partitions = source_manager.get_partitions() for i in partitions: try: part_type = source_manager.get_partition_file_system(i) if callback is not None: drive_size = target_manager.get_drive_size() complete = 0.0 if part_type is not None: target_manager.set_partition_file_system(i, part_type) if callback is not None: part_size = target_manager.get_partition_size(i) complete += part_size / drive_size LOGGER.debug("Callback:\nDrive Size: {0}\n" "Part Size: {1}\n" "Complete: {2}".format( drive_size, part_size, complete)) callback(complete) else: LOGGER.warning( "Invalid filesystem type found. Partition {0} not " "formatted.".format(i)) except weresync.exception.DeviceError as exe: if ignore_errors: logging.getLogger("weresync.device").warning( "Creating filesystem for {0} encountered errors. " "Partition type: {1}. Skipped.".format( target_manager.part_mask.format( target_manager.device, i), part_type), exc_info=sys.exc_info()) logging.getLogger("weresync.device").debug( "Error making file system.", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) else: raise exe
[docs] def transfer_partition_table(self, resize=True, callback=None): """Transfers the partition table from one drive to another. Afterwards, it formats the partitions on the target drive to be the same as those on the source drive. :param resize: if true (default) then the program will attempt to resize the partition tables to fit on a smaller drive. This will not expand partition tables at any time. :param callback: If not none, a function to update progress completed. See py:func:`~.format_partitions()`""" source_size = self.source.get_drive_size() target_size = source_type = self.source.get_partition_table_type() if target_size < source_size and not resize: raise weresync.exception.CopyError( "Target device smaller than source device and resize set to " "false.") elif source_type == "gpt": self._transfer_gpt(source_size - target_size) elif source_type == "msdos": self._transfer_msdos(source_size - target_size) for i in if is not None: if callback is not None: callback(0.3) # the block devices still won't be updated unless the following # command is called. proc = subprocess.Popen( ["partprobe",], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError(, "Error reloading partition mappings.", str(output, "utf-8")) # This weights the progress so 30% comes from creating partition and # 70% from formatting. progress = lambda prog: (callback(0.3 + prog * 0.7) if callback # noqa is not None else None) self.format_partitions(callback=progress) # If it's done, it's done if callback is not None: callback(1.0) self.uuid_dict = None # uuids will have been changed.
def transfer_lvm_partition(self, resize=True, callback=False): if self.lvm_source is not None: lvm_source_size = self.lvm_source.get_drive_size() lvm_target_size = self.lvm_target.get_drive_size() self._transfer_lvm(lvm_source_size - lvm_target_size) self.format_partitions(callback=callback, lvm=True)
[docs] def partitions_valid(self, lvm=False): """Tests if the partitions on the target drive can support copying files from the source drive. :returns: True if no errors found. :raises: a :py:class:`~weresync.exception.CopyError` if any part invalid.""" if lvm: source_manager = self.lvm_source target_manager = self.lvm_target else: source_manager = self.source target_manager = source_parts = source_manager. get_partitions() try: target_parts = target_manager.get_partitions() except DeviceError as ex: raise weresync.exception.CopyError( "Target partitions cannot be found. Invalid.") if source_parts != target_parts: raise weresync.exception.CopyError( "Partition count on two drives different. Invalid.") for i in source_parts: if source_manager.get_partition_file_system( i) != target_manager.get_partition_file_system(i): raise weresync.exception.CopyError( "File system type for partition {0} does not match. " "Invalid.".format(i)) try: if source_manager.get_partition_used( i) > target_manager.get_partition_size(i): raise weresync.exception.CopyError( "Information on partition {0} cannot fit on " "corresponding partition on target drive.".format(i)) except weresync.exception.DeviceError as ex: if "mount" in str(ex) or "swapspace" in str( ex ): # the partition couldn't be mounted because it isn't a # mountable partition (maybe boot sector or swap) LOGGER.debug( "Partition {0} couldn't be mounted. Bad FS type". format(i), exc_info=sys.exc_info) else: raise ex return True
def _copy_fstab(self, mnt_source, mnt_target, excluded_partitions=[], lvm=False): """Updates files in /etc/fstab to be bootable on the target drive. :param mnt_source: the directory where source partitions should be mounted. :param mnt_target: the directory where target partitions should be mounted. :param excluded_partitions: partitions not to search. Defaults to empty""" if lvm: source_manager = self.lvm_source target_manager = self.lvm_target else: source_manager = self.source target_manager = for i in source_manager.get_partitions(): source_mounted = False target_mounted = False try: if i not in excluded_partitions: source_loc = source_manager.mount_point(i) if source_loc is None: try: source_manager.mount_partition(i, mnt_source) source_mounted = True source_loc = mnt_source except weresync.exception.DeviceError as ex: if "mount" in str(ex): LOGGER.debug( "Failed to mount partition. Info:\n", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) continue else: raise ex source_fstab_path = source_loc + ( "/" if not source_loc.endswith("/") else "") + "etc/fstab" if os.path.exists(source_fstab_path): target_loc = target_manager.mount_point(i) if target_loc is None: target_manager.mount_partition(i, mnt_target) target_mounted = True target_loc = mnt_target with open(source_fstab_path) as source_fstab, open( target_loc + ("/" if not target_loc.endswith("/") else "") + "etc/fstab", "w") as target_fstab: target_fstab.write( "# This file is generated by WereSync. All" " comments have been copied, but they have not" " been parsed.\n# Any reference to" " identifiers during installation may be" " inaccurate.\n\n") for line in source_fstab.readlines(): stripLine = line.strip() if stripLine == "" or stripLine.startswith( "#"): target_fstab.write(line) continue words = stripLine.split() if words[0].startswith("UUID") or words[ 0].startswith("LABEL"): if words[0].startswith("UUID"): blkid_arg = "-U" elif words[0].startswith("LABEL"): blkid_arg = "-L" identifier = words[0].split("=")[ 1] # First argument of the space # separated list is the identifier, # which is split by a equals sign, and the # second value is the identifier proc = subprocess.Popen( ["blkid", blkid_arg, identifier], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output, error = proc.communicate() if proc.returncode == 2: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( self.source.device, "Could not find block name of " "device with id: {0}".format( identifier), str(output, "utf-8")) elif proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( source_manager.device, "Error finding device error for " "device with id: {0}".format( identifier), str(output, "utf-8")) # It figures out the value of a # placeholder based on context. However, # the part_masks rarely have enough context # So we format the part_mask so that the # first placeholder is the partition # number, and the device name is inserted # (comes out to something like # "/dev/nbd0p{0}"). # Then it can figure it out. out = str(output, "utf-8").strip() if (self.lvm_source is not None and self.lvm_source.device in out): source = self.lvm_source target = self.lvm_target else: source = self.source target = result = parse.parse(source.part_mask. format(source.device, "{0}"), out)[0] # the first element contains the # number uuid_proc = subprocess.Popen( [ "blkid", source.part_mask.format( target.device, result) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) uuid_output, uuid_error = ( uuid_proc.communicate()) if uuid_proc.returncode == 2: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( target.device, "Could not find device {0}".format( target.part_mask. format( target.device, result)), str(uuid_output, "utf-8")) elif uuid_proc.returncode != 0: raise weresync.exception.DeviceError( target.device, "Error finding uuid for device " "{0}".format( target.part_mask. format( target.device, result)), str(uuid_output, "utf-8")) ids = str(uuid_output, "utf-8").split() for val in ids: if val.startswith("UUID"): words[0] = val.replace('"', '') # Have to remove the double # quotes from blkid's output. break elif self.lvm_source is not None: words[0] = multireplace( words[0], self.get_uuid_dict()) target_fstab.write(" ".join(words) + "\n") finally: if source_mounted: source_manager.unmount_partition(i) if target_mounted: source_manager.unmount_partition(i) def _copy_files(self, mnt_source, mnt_target, excluded_partitions, ignore_failures, rsync_args, callback, lvm=False): """This is an internal method used for copying files. See the main `copy_files` method for documentation.""" if lvm: source_manager = self.lvm_source target_manager = self.lvm_target else: source_manager = self.source target_manager = for i in source_manager.get_partitions(): source_mounted = False target_mounted = False try: if i in excluded_partitions: continue source_loc = source_manager.mount_point(i) if source_loc is None: source_manager.mount_partition(i, mnt_source) source_mounted = True source_loc = mnt_source target_loc = target_manager.mount_point(i) if target_loc is None: target_manager.mount_partition(i, mnt_target) target_mounted = True target_loc = mnt_target"Starting rsync process for partition {0}.".format( source_manager.device)) command_args = ["rsync"] + shlex.split(rsync_args) + [ '--exclude=' + x + '' for x in [ "/dev/*", "/proc/*", "/sys/*", "/tmp/*", "/run/*", "/mnt/*", "/media/*", "/lost+found", "/home/*/.gvfs" ] ] + [ source_loc + ("/" if not source_loc.endswith("/") else ""), target_loc ] if callback is not None: command_args += ["--info=progress2"] print("Copying partition " + str(i)) LOGGER.debug("Arguments = " + " ".join(command_args)) def run_proc(): with subprocess.Popen( command_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) as proc: buf = bytearray() while True: byt = if byt == b"": break elif byt == b"\r": yield buf.decode() buf = bytearray() else: buf += byt LOGGER.debug("Errors for partition {0}:\n".format(i) + if callback is not None: for val in run_proc(): vals = val.split() if len(vals) >= 2 and vals[1].endswith("%"): try: float_val = float(vals[1].strip("%")) / 100 except ValueError: continue callback(i, float_val) LOGGER.debug("Setting to finished") callback(i, 1.0) else: for val in run_proc(): # If you don't loop through the generator values, the # rsync process doesn't run properly. pass except weresync.exception.DeviceError as exe: if ignore_failures: LOGGER.warning( "Error copying data for partition {0} from device {1} " "to {2}.".format(i, source_manager.device, target_manager.device)) LOGGER.debug("Error info.", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) if callback is not None: callback(i, -1.0) else: raise exe finally: if source_mounted: source_manager.unmount_partition(i) if target_mounted: target_manager.unmount_partition(i) print(_("Finished copying files."))
[docs] def copy_files(self, mnt_source, mnt_target, excluded_partitions=[], ignore_failures=True, rsync_args=DEFAULT_RSYNC_ARGS, callback=None): """Copies all files from source to target drive, doing one partition at a time. This assumes that the two drives have equivalent partition mappings, i.e. that the data on partition 1 of the source drive should be on partition 1 of the target drive. :param mnt_source: The directory to mount partitions from the source drive on. :param mnt_target: The directory to mount partitions from the target drive on. :param excluded_partitions: A list containing the partitions to not copy. Defaults to empty. :param ignore_failures: If True, errors encountered for a partition will not cause the function to exit, but we instead cause a warning to be logged. Defaults to true. :param callaback: If not None, a function with the signature ``callback(int, float)``, where the int represents partition number and float represents progress. If an error occurs, the float will be negative. If the float should pulse, it wil return True.""" self._copy_files(mnt_source, mnt_target, excluded_partitions, ignore_failures, rsync_args, callback, lvm=False) if self.lvm_source is not None: self._copy_files(mnt_source, mnt_target, excluded_partitions, ignore_failures, rsync_args, callback, lvm=True)
[docs] def make_bootable(self, plugin_name, source_mnt, target_mnt, excluded_partitions=[], root_partition=None, boot_partition=None, efi_partition=None, callback=None): """Calls the appropriate plugin to make the target drive bootable. :param plugin_name: the name, not pretty name, of the plugin to use. If None, so bootloading occurs, other than fstab copying. :param source_mnt: a string representing the directory where partitions from the source drive may be mounted. :param target_mnt: a string representing the directory where partitions from the target drive may be mounted. :param copier: an instance of :py:class:`~weresync.device.DeviceCopier` which represents the source and target drives. :param excluded_partitions: these partitions should not be searched or included in the boot installation. :param boot_partition: this is the partition that should be mounted on /boot of the root_partition. :param root_partition: this is the root partition of the drive, where the bootloader should be installed. :param efi_partition: this is the partition of the Efi System Partition. Should be None if not a UEFI system. :param callback: a function which takes a single argument declaring whether or not the bootloader was successfully installed. """"Using plugin: " + plugin_name) if callback is not None: callback(False) try: if plugin_name is not None: import weresync.plugins as plugins manager = plugins.get_manager() manager.collectPlugins() full_name = "weresync_" + plugin_name pluginInfo = manager.getPluginByName(full_name, "bootloader") if pluginInfo is None: raise PluginNotFoundError("No such plugin {0}".format( full_name)) manager.activatePluginByName(full_name, "bootloader") plugin = pluginInfo.plugin_object else: plugin = None try: self._copy_fstab(source_mnt, target_mnt, excluded_partitions) except DeviceError as ex: LOGGER.warning("Error copying fstab. Continuing anyway.") LOGGER.debug("Info: ", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) if self.lvm_source is not None: try: self._copy_fstab(source_mnt, target_mnt, excluded_partitions, lvm=True) except DeviceError as ex: LOGGER.warning("Error copying fstab on LVM. Continuing" " anyway.") LOGGER.debug("Info: ", exc_info=sys.exc_info()) if plugin is not None: plugin.install_bootloader(source_mnt, target_mnt, self, excluded_partitions, boot_partition, root_partition, efi_partition) manager.deactivatePluginByName(plugin_name, "bootloader") else: LOGGER.warning("No bootloader plugin specified. Not installing" "bootloader.") if callback is not None: callback(True) except DeviceError as ex: LOGGER.warning("Error copying bootloader.") LOGGER.debug("Info: ", exc_info=sys.exc_info())